Crossword Genius

Unlikely Artificial Intelligence

Crossword Genius

Unlikely Artificial Intelligence

Crossword Genius

Unlikely Artificial Intelligence


  • Highly custom mobile app development
  • Customer-provided UI design and backend
  • Striking visual appearance

How do you bring a cryptic crossword to life as a mobile application? This was the ambition of the Unlikely AI team as they embarked on a multi-disciplinary project to deliver on their vision. Success depended on assembling the right design, backend technology and mobile application software team. Airsource were up for the app development challenge.


  • Custom UI development to render and interact with cryptic crossword puzzles
  • Work alongside a domain expert in artificial intelligence to ensure that the application vision was delivered for users
  • Integrate a series of animations to humanise interaction with the sophisticated AI backend
  • Give advice and ongoing support to the customer


We worked closely with Unlikely AI and their chosen designer to iterate the user experience and build the application out. Working directly from UI flows produced and in conversation with the customer, Airsource gradually built out the features, which were tested internally and then used for various stages of external user testing. We also worked closely with the chosen backend technology provider, specifying and integrating with the server environment via an agreed API. Extensive custom UI development was required for crossword grid interaction and animation.

The project was successfully delivered and went live on the Appstore in April 2019.

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“" really IS a work of genius."”